Estonia is consistently ranked as one of the best places in the world to do business, and its tax code is a major reason why. According to Tax Foundation, Estonia’s top score in 2022 is driven mainly by four positive features of its tax code.

In Estonia, there is no corporate income tax on reinvested and retained profits, and a 14-20% corporate income tax rate on distributed profits. This allows companies to reinvest their profits tax-free.
This is a major advantage for businesses looking to expand and grow, as they can reinvest their profits without having to worry about paying taxes on them.
Estonia also has a territorial tax system, which exempts foreign-source income from taxation. This is another major benefit for businesses, as it allows them to expand their operations globally without being taxed on their overseas earnings.
Its corporate tax return form is just one page, and the entire tax code can be accessed online. This makes it easy for businesses to comply with the tax code and avoid any penalties or fines.

Estonia has a flat tax system, which means that everyone pays the same tax rate regardless of their income. This makes it much simpler and more efficient than a progressive tax system, where different people pay different rates depending on how much they earn.
The flat tax rate in Estonia is just 20%, which is very low by international standards. This low rate makes it easier for businesses to invest and create jobs, and it also leaves people with more money in their pockets to save or spend as they please.

The government uses modern technology to keep track of taxpayers and make sure that everyone pays their fair share. This helps to keep the overall tax burden low, as well as making it easier for businesses to comply with the law.
Estonia’s tax system is good because companies don’t have to spend a lot of time making sure they’re paying the right amount of taxes. In most countries, it takes 42 hours per year for companies to make sure they’re complying with corporate income taxes, but in Estonia it only takes 5 hours. This means that businesses in Estonia can spend more time doing other things, like making products or providing services.

Estonia also doesn’t have any property transfer taxes. This means that people don’t have to pay taxes when they buy or sell things like real estate, land, or machinery. This makes it easier for people to buy and sell property, which can help business grow.
A well-structured tax code is necessary for a country’s economic development and job creation. A simpler tax system leads to faster economic growth.
A well-structured tax code can help a country’s economy grow, while a complicated tax code can make it harder for businesses to invest and create jobs.

Estonia’s tax efficiency makes it an attractive destination for businesses looking to invest. The country’s strong GDP growth rate last year underscores its appeal as a business-friendly environment. Despite rising energy prices and inflation in Europe, Estonia’s tax advantages keep it an attractive option for businesses seeking the highest return on their investment.
In simple terms, this means that Estonia is doing really well compared to other countries in Europe, and part of the reason is because businesses there don’t have to pay as much in taxes on their investment. So businesses are more likely to invest money in Estonia, which helps the economy grow.

Overall, Estonia’s tax system is simple, efficient, and fair. It is no wonder that the country has one of the fastest-growing economies in the European Union. Learn more about taxes in Estonia and company formation here.