Kahnawake is the Indian reservation, which is located within Quebec, the area of the Canadian province. Legal and legislative standards applicable there provide the opportunity to establish the profitable and effective gambling. The specially created Commission is involved in gambling regulation that is responsible to issue licenses, monitor the game integrity and transparency, payment of remuneration to players and protection of their rights.

Online casinos located on this territory are known by a range of advantages, among which: an opportunity to obtain a separate license for poker and betting activities; clearly structuring of the legislative framework largely similar to the Australian model; prestigious jurisdiction with quite good standing; availability of a range of tax preferences and much more.

Online Casino in Kahnawake

Specificity of Online Casino in Kahnawake

Online casino may be opened within the territory of Kahnawake based on one of the following models:

Interactive – one license is for one hosting, where the hosting should be registered in the local jurisdiction;

For client placement authorization (CPA) – no limitations for the number of permits, the holder can arrange different betting and interactive games;

Secondary  –  license issue is accessible to holders who already have the authorization documentation on hand in other jurisdictions and intend to extend its scope to the territory of Kahnawake;

For key person  –  issue of a license is allowed to entities responsible for control functions in respect of facilities subject to CPA.

The Commission responsible for the gambling industry performs to clearly control the extent of compliance of companies with the accepted reputation factor, while requiring the following from operators: creation of the restrictive ageing mechanism at the request of the gamer’s family and others; a system for active support available on the website and administration feedback form; formation of the effective model that prevents data leakage both from the website and the user data; publication of rules to use resources on the playground describing them clearly in English language (the owner adds other at will).

Registrations fee

Companies receiving the license are required to make the down payment with the amount of 5000 Canadian dollars for the key person. The amount of the contribution to CPA may reach 25,000 CAD. Software validation is compulsory costing 15,000 Canadian dollars. The extension of the license validity will cost 10000 CAD.

Using services of the Private Financial Services specialists, you will be able to reduce the period of registration and simplify the procedure itself. Welcome here. We will help you start your business quickly and in full.

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